


Thursday, August 04, 2011

THE SEVEN MILE JOURNEY goodbecausedanish.blogspot.com


"[...]With such tracks as 'The Engram Dichotomy' it drills into the brain, but systematically and with precision, rather than painfully with one stab. If you devote enough time to it, it reveals its depth as in  'Simplicity Has A Paradox' composition. And finally it makes that - when 20 minute track 'The Alter Ego Autopsies' reaches its end, there is still unsatisfied hunger, which forces to relisten it from the very beginning." READ MORE

Author: Arletta Przynoga
Traslation by: Agnieszka Bolek 

Click to read entire post: 

"The Engram Dichotomy" 

"Simplicity Has A Paradox"

"The Alter Ego Autopsies"

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